Yaesu VR5000
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UM05 – Apocalypse station 7542.8 kHz

UM05 is the name of a mysterious radio station that broadcasts on shortwave at a frequency of 7542.8 kHz in CW. This station began its transmissions in October 2023 and has never identified itself with an official and/or ITU standard callsign. This station is also difficult to describe because it has a randomly definable transmission format. It transmits single letters in Morse code slowly for periods that can vary from a few minutes to a few hours, then starts transmitting words in French [“leon”, “pause”, “discussion”, “neige”], and then returns to transmitting single letters. At times, it transmits entire verses from the Book of Revelation or the Book of Apocalypse, part of the Bible (New Testament), which has led to it being called the Apocalypse Station.

The purpose of this station is obviously unknown and shrouded in mystery; apparently, following triangulation, the source of the signal had been identified in a military base in the city of Vernon south of Paris, on Google Maps the base in question is censored.
Is it a numbers station? No, it does not have the characteristics of one. It could be similar to the German Common & Precious beacon.

Listening Guide

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the frequency is 7542.8 kHz CW, but it has also been reported on 3961.8 kHz, 5345.8 kHz, and 10300.8 kHz. The signal received in Italy is intelligible but not strong, with an RST of 449, which is a listening report used among radio amateurs; or a SINPO if using a system common in radio listening. Note that the UM05 designation was not given by Enigma2000, but by the specialist group Numbers & Oddities, who described it in their January 2024 newsletter. In analogy to the Enigma system, the UM05 designation stands for Unknown Morse 05 (unknown Morse station with progressive number 05).

Reference Sites and Sources


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