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Operator: Lorenzo
Castel Madama – 00024 (RM) – Italy
Grid \ W W Locator: JN61kx – 450Mt u.s.l.
ITU zone 28 – CQ zone 15
FT8DMC #02493; EPC #4398 – EU area IT81; 30MDC #2145;
DMC #1513; PODXS 070 Club #2405; FH #1347.
QSL 100% via LOTW and eQSL.cc, also via direct way!
All my QSO will upload on LoTW and eQSL.cc within few hours.
LoTW are my mainly sistem of QSL, so if you need my printed QSL card you can send me via Bureau or direct mail including 1€ Euro or 2$ Dollars for Europe otherwise 2€ or 3$ if outside Europe; this is for cost reimbursement, no SAE request, I will answer you the next day.
Cards sent without appropriate compensation will not be answered.
If you send me a QSL don’t forget to include your address for replies and wery important include yor email address for any comunication.
To accelerate and safer the cost reimbursement for shipping can be made via Paypal.
I was member of Bureau service from January 2012 to December 2016. Do not use IRC please!